Saturday, October 27, 2007

I have a friend...

yes, shocking I know!

I have a friend who is kind, smart, gorgeous and funny as all hell. Ive never met her but Im going to soon and I cant wait to squeeze her tight.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mercury is in retrograde and boy do I know it...

So yesterday someone on Etsy paid me a compliment that I totally took the wrong way and was very offended. What an idiot. I should know after many years on internet forums that its impossible to tell someones 'tone'.
Anyway, I chewed the poor girl out and when I realised it was ME and I had completely misunderstood her, I just wanted the ground to swallow me up. I apologised profusely but still feel so bad. On the bright side, I DID find a fantastic new shop ha ha! She makes gorgeous original plushies and I actually have my eye on one for a Xmas present.
Mercury in retrograde - Meh, I shouldn't even be TRYING to communicate with anyone right now...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I christen thee Spawn of Satan...

I originally used this term in reference to my now 3 year old when she was a colicky 6 week old but the crown has been passed on to number 2.
How can an 8 month old be so grumpy and stubborn, she reminds me of my father in law, even has the same gummy smile.
On another note, the other half went out last night so I had an opportunity to sit down and actually make some things! Two necklaces and a crap load of wasted sterling jump pins later, I emerged sweaty, tired but triumphant!
Hopefully Spawns V1 and 2 will give me five minutes to list them today.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Ugh...I feel like I have been slammed in the face with a piece of 4 x 2.
My lovely sweet baby has decided over the last couple of days that it would be fun to pop a tooth out and see how little sleep Mama needs.
My Dad (A former SAS paratrooper) always reckons lack of sleep is the worst form or torture, I think he is a very wise man.
Needless to say creating hasn't been high on the agenda recently although I am waiting on my secret lover to come visit...

Ode to my secret crush..

I wait for you with mounting anxiety
Your huge package is so exciting,
I cant wait until it is in my hands
I have followed you with my breath held,
tracking your every move as you cross oceans to be by my side
Monday, oh Monday, will you ever get here quick enough
I will stand by my window and wait for your white van to pull up outside
Fed-ex man, with your box of supplies, oh how I wait your arrival.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Style or fashion?

Ive been thinking I need to extend myself and try and make some jewellery that is considered 'in fashion'. Problem is, its not my 'style'.
That led me to wondering the difference between style and fashion. Im not talking about whats considered stylish but rather your own personal style and what you feel comfortable with.
Tried doing delicate pretty necklaces and earrings but they turned out to be totally crap. I think if you try and create something for someone elses taste that is very differant to your own, your heart wont be in it and this will show in your work.
So heres to big and chunky, heres to creating what you love and heres to bugger the sales, if I dont love it, how can I expect anyone else to?

Monday, October 8, 2007

Organisation or lack thereof...

So I am normally a pretty organised person.

I know where my keys are, I remember birthdays, I can always find the remote but today I did the dumbest thing and Im still kicking myself for it.

I had bought a spot on the storque showcase on Etsy for tomorrow. This morning I got up, made a bottle for my baby, sat down to feed her and check my emails and Etsy as is my normal morning ritual. I thought I'd click on the showcase just to see what was happening and lo and behold, I see one of my pieces winking at me!

ARGH!! I wanted to clean up my shop and list a new necklace before my showcase spot!
I'd stuffed up the whole timezone thing and my messy shop had been flaunting itself all over the showcase for hours while I snoozed blissfully unaware.

In full panic mode I propped kids in front of the telly, shoved something in front of them (it may of may not have been edible) and proceeded to quietly have a meltdown while I frantically fussed about and listed my necklace and changed the order of my featured items about 10 times.

After an hour or so my 3 year old tapped me on the shoulder "Mum, can we have something to eat now? Claudias getting sick of gumming the remote control"


Sunday, October 7, 2007

A lovely letter made my day!

I just received a letter from the event organiser of a fundraiser show I recently did, thanking me for attending and raving about my work! Its always nice to feel appreciated and the fact that the funds raised were going to help a school was the icing on the cake.

Going into this particular show I really didn't think it would be a great success personally for me but boy was I wrong! The ladies were lovely, I received some great custom orders and sold a LOT of jewellery. Put 150 women in a hall and plying them with champagne seems to work wonders!

In all seriousness, a big thanks to Melanie who put it all together, she did a fabu job!

I will be working hard all week to create some new pieces, I have a market this weekend and really want to get a good stock in my Etsy store and get it cleaned up and full for Xmas.
On top of all that I am looking into some new styles and will be trying to come up with some higher end pieces using sterling silver and gorgeous shimmery briolettes.
I cant wait to see that little fed-ex van pull up with my new supplies!

I am also waiting on a supply of tribal style findings I ordered from CuriosityCabinet on Etsy. I CANT WAIT to get my greedy little hands on them and get beading!